Thursday, January 28, 2010

restaurant review: Poulet Bronzé

Fried chicken is not that good for you but sometimes when you gotta have it, you gotta have it. In Montreal we don't have Popeye's or good fried chicken joints and I used to go to KFC twice a year. I would eat one meal and then remember why I don't eat there more often.

Last year I found this gem of a place where they serve really good fried chicken. They have regular and spicy and now also nuggets and fried shrimp.

I take the special order of 4 pieces for 7$ because I am not big on the fries or side items. It's also delicious reheated the next day for lunch (and make all my coworkers drool with envy).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple event

Today is the day Apple may announce the tablet product. I'm going to buy one !

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

School Lunch

Do you know what kids eat in school these days? It's not better than fast food that's for sure. An elementary school teacher has gone CSI for us and started to eat what her school serves. She's blogging about her meals and there have been a lot of good comments from other food related blogs.

Here's Mrs Q. It's like a Super Size Me for the school kids. British chef Jamie Oliver did something like this in England where it was well received and created changes at the government level. He is planning the same for the US by doing a show at some cities but it has met some resistance.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Work Breakfast

I used to not eat breakfast and it started around university when I found myself with less time. I would grab a donut or something and get on with the day. I would end up eating an early lunch and then a snack again before dinner.

This continued until I moved to California for work and I was on the 5am to 9am phone shift. After the shift ended our group would go to have a big beakfast at the cafeteria. Those were the good days of big bowls of fruit and egg sandwiches. I was always amazed at the year round availability of melons, strawberry, pineapple, blueberry, etc - maybe it was just part of the extravagant spending that took the company down.

Nowadays I have to eat something or I won't be able to work plus I need my 6g of fiber a day to get things flowing. I found this bread that has 3g per slice and I started to make sandwiches ahead of time for the work week. I filled them with egg salad, deli meats, butter and jam, etc. After 6 months or so I got tired of eating that so I've been looking for new ideas.

Last week's whole wheat pita was delicious and a novelty but I didn't get enough fiber so I have to go back to the sliced bread. I will however keep the crab+egg mixture for the filling and add some Giò lụa. For lunch this week I will pack soba and tofu and frozen vegetables.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Menu of the week

Warm weather costs me money. 

When it's warm in the winter like today (higher than -10C) I end up going on a large food shopping tour. Today I headed to Chinatown first to buy some pastries at Harmonie (6$), a dozen Egg Rolls (8.5$) and 1 pound of lean roasted pork (7.5$) at the butcher below Keung Kee (I don't kow the store's name!). I then headed to a market to buy tofu and gai lan (4$). I finished at the Hoang Oanh banh mi chain with some chả lụa and thach (5.5$).

I then took the 55 bus on St-Laurent to get to the corner of Mont-Royal. I walked to Kouign Amann for the 2nd best croissant (6 for 10.25$) in the city (store number one is closed on Sundays) and also got a slice of tomato+leek quiche for lunch (2.65$). I made my way to Romados for their famous roasted chicken (11$) and an apricot marzipan tart (10$) but they gave me an almond one instead. I walked to St-Urbain to take the 55 bus going south and stopped at Prince-Arthur St.

I walked to Marché Lobo to get cilantro and green onion (2.25$) for my omelet, 2 bags of cherries (6$) and Provigo for my whole wheat bread (3$). This concludes a shopping trip that cost me close to 70$. It yielded 5 breakfast sandwiches and 4 lunch boxes and extra vegetables and cherries and dessert.

The breakfast sandwich is the crab mix omelet slice and slices of chả lụa with Kraft Singles cheese on whole wheat 3g-per-slice bread. I mixed mayonnaise and cilantro stems and green onions for a spread. Material cost is 1.90$ per sandwich.

The lunch box has roasted pork pieces at the bottom, boiled gai lan and a cube of tofu over, and soba noodles on top. I will take the soba out first then reheat the rest in the microwave. Material cost for each box is 3$ with 2$ for the pork roast.